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No New Posts Still Ruins

The Still Ruins is a set of ruins in the Western Approach. The palace was presumably built by the Tevinter Imperium, but has been abandoned since a magic research experiment went wrong.

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No New Posts Griffion Wing Keep

Griffon Wing Keep is an keep in the Western Approach.

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No New Posts Corcavaus

Coracavus is an ancient Tevinter prison in the northern part of the Western Approach. Long-abandoned, it is now in ruins.

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No New Posts Adamant Fortress

Adamant Fortress is an Orlesian fortress constructed by dwarves in the Western Approach that stands on the very edge of the Abyssal Rift - a deep chasm that is believed to run as far down as the Deep Roads.

The fortress appears to be small, but is sturdy, with tall walls made of dark jetstone and metal ramparts. In fact it is built into the side of the chasm with vast halls down below. Once, it belonged to the Grey Wardens who beat back the darkspawn that rose from the chasm during the Second Blight, a symbol of their impossible achievement. Then, it housed more than a thousand men and griffons - with way opened onto the chasm.

With passing years, the Western Approach became a wasteland and maintaining the keep became more and more expensive in the eyes of the visiting Warden-Commanders. The sacrifices of the order became a distant memory to the locals, who despite demon attacks on the area's population considered only the Grey Wardens themselves to truly be in danger from the thin Veil and the darkspawn crawling out of the Abyssal Rift. As personnel dwindled and the griffons no longer helped survey the badlands, the Wardens ultimately pulled back in disgrace to Montsimmard. At the dawning of the Blessed Age, Adamant fortress was abandoned, having become a symbol of the Wardens' decline in the region.

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Western Approach

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Western Approach
The Western Approach is a large, arid expanse in southwestern Orlais. Farther west lie the Hunterhorn Mountains and uninhabited steppes and forests.

This area was the site of a major battle during the Second Blight. The darkspawn swarmed out of the great chasm to the south named the Abyssal Rift and corrupted the land beyond recovery. Now it is a stark and sad place with unstable purple sands, occasional rocky pillars and ridges jutting out of them and strong howling winds. At night the air grows still and the sky is alight with shimmering auroras, but this is also the time when the darkspawn come out of hiding.

The Orlesians put iron towers at least a hundred feet high to mark the path in the badlands: a traveler who reaches one of them is able to see the next. The towers are now old and rusted. Adamant Fortress, built by the dwarves and used as a Grey Warden outpost, stands on the lip of the chasm.
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